Monday, May. 05, 1924


Versification by "Sylvanus," headquarters at Chicago, has been recently greeted by the opponents of modernists. Specimen:

Dear Lord, Thy Church on devious ways

Hath fallen in these latter days.

The auger-holes of Leighton Parks*

Would sink a half a dozen Arks;

While what is said by Percy Grant

Doth** make the mast both creak and slant;

And Reiland, Lord, Thou know'st his breath

Doth threaten yawning, billowy death,

While Guthrie** doth, with song and dance,

Into the spotlight blithely prance.

What can we do? The rich and great

Upon their words and preaching wait--

The men who own the railway shares,

The oil kings and the millionaires.

Dear Lord, Thou know'st, without their cash,

Thy holy Church would go to smash.

And then there's Bishop Lawrence./- too;

Oh, Lord, what would'st Thou have us do?

He raised us millions, Lawrence did;

We cannot put him on the skid.

If we tried him 'twould raise a roar

From Maine to the Pacific shore.

"What! Lawrence called a heretic?

See all he's done! It makes us sick!"

And yet, dear Lord, Thy Church is true

To that which Thou wouldn't have her do.

Thy Bishops faithful shepherds are

To guard the flock from wolf and b'ar.

And ever keen to drive away

Doctrines erroneous, strange, and they

Guard zealously, from earthly taints,

The Faith delivered to the Saints.

Lord, dost Thou doubt it? Then look down

And watch them skinning Bishop Brown./=

*TIME, Dec. 24, 31, March 31.

**TIME, Dec. 31, April 7.

/- TIME, Dec. 31, Jan. 14, Feb. 4, April 14, 21.

/= TIME. July 23, Feb. 25.