Monday, May. 12, 1924


After a cursory view of TIME'S sum mary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

Omnipotent Metternich scurrying ignominously to England. (P. 11.)

A smile on the face of M. le marechal. (P. 7.)

An invention that aroused the intense curiosity of the feminine sex. (P. 9.)

Assap the Tadpole. He pulled his own tail off. (P. 14.)

"A very pretty boy." (P. 13.)

"Home rule for Scotland." (P. 7.)

"19 fresh cows and 25 little piggies, with excellent prospects. . . ." (P. 13.)

A crowd of bystanders peering curiously at a dial. (P. 8.)

A shirt, handkerchief, a pair of white breeches ... a mummified tendon. (P. 9.)

"A scorching pen" wielded by a betoga-ed Roman. (P. 28.)

Permanent and immobile guests at the White House. (P. 1.)

The most prodigious Mephisto. (P. 17.)

Twenty-six to one, an astonishing ratio of surplus to capital. (P. 23.)

Vivacity of movement -- a belligerent and combative spirit. (P. 20.)

A college presumably for the training of "capable male babies." (P. 17.)

Cheaper British breakfasts. (P. 8.)

"The Truce of God." (P. 7.)

One hundred fifty-three royal pounds. (P. 8.)