Monday, May. 19, 1924
Doctor's Dilemma
Senator Copeland of New York was once "Dr." Copeland and Chief of the New York Department of Health. Now he aspires to the Democratic Presidental nomination. An unnamed Washingtonian, not respecting his aspirations, wrote a health column such as the Senator used to contribute to Manhattan newspapers:
Question: "Dear Senator: I am afflicted with Presidentialitis and cannot find a cure. Every time I attend one of the clinics to which I have been referred by other advisers, there are so many ahead of me I cannot wait. Please advise."
Answer: "Presidentialitis is an incurable disease. Many meet the same difficulty you have experienced at the clinics you mention. Although I have considered this problem at length and anxiously, I am unable to give you any advice, unless it be to hope for the best."
Question: "My circulation is poor. What should I do?"
Answer: "Exercise is the finest cure I know of for poor circulation. Do plenty of walking, especially in the limelight. It has aided me greatly When you exercise do not rush madly for any specific destination for this will not bring the mental freedom and poise which are absolutely essential for complete recovery. Amble along gently and if you get any place in particular keep on going. You can't tell where you may land."
Question: "For many years, but especially since 1918, I have been troubled with an illness others have been unable to diagnose. I can't explain it myself, but I believe I need a more favorable climate. I have not the strength to climb the flights of stairs in New York apartments. Where should I move to?"
Answer: "Washington, by all means A white house, which is said to be cheerful in appearance and conducive to a happy frame of mind, for those in your state of health, would be preferable to an apartment or a hotel--especially in Washington."