Monday, May. 19, 1924


Went a Paris newspaperman all the way to Vendee to beard "the Tiger" (ex-Premier Clemenceau) in his jungle.

Asked the newspaperman: "What do you think about the elections?"

Purred "the Tiger": "Just look how finely my wall flowers are blooming."

"Do you think M. Poincare will win?" naively queried the reporter.

Growled "the Tiger": "You see, I had to build a wall to keep the sea from washing my garden away. A storm robbed me of 20 feet of ground last Winter, and while I must keep the salt water out with the wall, I have had to build an irrigation system for fresh water."

"And what about the German elections?" asked the persistent newsgatherer.

Bristled "the Tiger": "Ah, yes. . . those Germans, what people!"

Again the curious one went to the attack.

Roared "the Tiger": "... I prefer my Vendee. I work. I rise before dawn and write. I cultivate my garden."

The reporter neither stopped, looked nor listened--he left.