Monday, May. 19, 1924
New World's Records
At the Bradley Interscholastic Track and Field meet at Peoria, Ill., two young women beat their own records with much skill and dash. Katharine Lee of Chicago faced the bar unperturbed. One, two, three, a few graceful bounds, a scamper, an elegant leap and Miss Lee shot 4 ft., 11 3/8 in. into the air and over the bar, beating her previous world record of 4 ft., 10 7/8 in.
Dorothy Smith, also of Chicago, bedecked in betwitching bloomers, pattered the ground with graceful feet 60 whole yards in 7.7 seconds, bettering her previous mark by point three seconds. She also ran 70 yards in 8.8 seconds and thus tied a world's record.
10,000-metre walk: C. C. MacMaster of Cape Town, South Africa, 45 min. 4 5/8 sec.