Monday, May. 19, 1924
(During the Past Week the Daily Press Gave Extensive Publicity to the Following Men and Women. Let Each Explain to You Why His Name Appeared in the Headlines.)
Edwin Denby, ex-Secretary of the Navy: "In a speech to University of Michigan alumni, said I: 'If I was informed that I could go back, could again take up the job of Secretary of the Navy and that if I repeated my actions in the oil matter I would be shot, why, I would say: "Bring on your firing squad!" Men of Michigan have no reason to be ashamed of me. ... Congress charged the head of the Navy to conserve, sell or exchange that oil. That was what I did!'"
John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York: "In a letter to the Brooklyn Teachers' Association I advocated an Alaskan-California-Canadian Rockies tour by Brooklyn teachers. Said I: 'The glint of crystalline rocks . . . the indescribable beauty . . . the splashing waterfalls, the lakes . . . and the nestling homes in the crotches of tree limbs of our feathered friends restore to the wanderer that sense of possession of the instinctive heritage of all mankind. . . 'Summer or winter, day or night The woods are an ever new delight.'"
Thomas L. Blanton, Congressman from Texas: "It was reported that, at a meeting of the House District of Columbia Committee, I called Representative Hammer of North Carolina 'a garrulous old grandmother.' Other committee members with difficulty kept us apart. Mr. Hammer let fly a folding chair, missed me, seized the bulky District of Columbia Appropriation Bill. We lunged, finally shook hands."
Eddie Cantor, famed comedian: "My press agent announced that I have asked permission to organize a Broadway committee for the nomination of Governor Smith of New York for President. I was quoted as saying: 'Don't laugh about this. I'm serious. . . . The time for ridicule will be when he gets into the campaign. A few good lines about an opponent will be worth more than all the ponderous political arguments in the world!'"
Mrs. Florence Kling Harding: "For the first time since President Harding's death, I took part in a public ceremony. In Bridgeport, Conn., with a silver trowel I applied mortar to the cornerstone for the new $1,000,000 Warren Harding High School. Said I to interviewers: 'Some day I may go back to Ohio to engage in the newspaper business again!'"
Giulio Gatti-Casazza, General Director of the Metropolitan Opera Company: "In the New York Supreme Court, A. Jaeckel & Co., furriers, sued me, demanded $2,228.50 for garments said to have been purchased by Mme. Frances Alda, my wife. Attorneys said that several bills had been sent to me, that I ignored them." George B. Cutten, President of Colgate University: "In Utica, I drove Dr. Raymond B. Fosdick to the train, was arrested, charged with driving 40 miles an hour. I pled not guilty, demanded trial. Reports said that I, if convicted, would have to serve from one to five days in jail."
Christian X, King of Denmark: "The editor of a Danish newspaper asked my Chamberlain that I grant an audience to Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. Asked the Chamberlain: 'Who are Fairbanks and Pickford?' Apprised of their identity, he said: 'American citizens must apply for an audience through the American minister.'"
Percy Marks, author of The Plastic Age: "In its issue of May 5, 1924, TIME the weekly newsmagazine, ignorantly stated that E. P. Dutton & Co. published The Plastic Age. This book was published by the Century Co."