Monday, May. 19, 1924

After a cursory view of TIME'S sum mary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to :

A handsome, clean-shaven Bolshevik.

A few graceful bounds, a scamper, an elegant leap.

The sheer power of the Tellegen will and smouldering eyes.

A university course in training for parenthood.

George Elwell. He defeated Queen Marie, Billy Sunday, Anton Lang, Admiral Sims.

Real live bulls on the stage.

"The most wonderful man writing English today."

"The glint of crystalline rocks . . . the splashing waterfalls . . . the lakes. . . ."

Edwin Denby. He would say: "Bring on your firing squad !"

An audience that cheered, stamped, shouted, whistled, howled.

Long hours with engine pumps, port boilers, bilge rams.

The six greatest engineering feats of modern times.

May Sinclair. She dresses quietly.

An exhibition "free to every lover of Art who finds himself in Atlanta."

Will T. Tilden. He "did wizard tricks with his raquet and ball."

Forty-two Forty-two chapters chapters and no two alike.

A great and good friend of the young and undistinguished.