Monday, May. 26, 1924
"Great Victory"
Apropos of the defeat of Premier Poincare at the elections (TIME, May 19), Anatole France, famed litterateur, said: "I salute this great victory. France has just manifested her will for peace.
"I have often said I do not believe war is an eternal human necessity. I wish and hope and foresee a future of peace and concord among peoples of equal culture.
"Let us prepare for this longed-for peace. Let us beware of the old adage. In reality, if one wishes for peace one must prepare for peace. Such is our desire, such our care, and such ought to be our work.
"Let us work for universal peace, isn't it a task worthy of the greatest souls and the proudest courages ? Rome of the Caesars attempted it when she was queen of the universe. May Europe of today accomplish it."