Monday, Jun. 02, 1924
The past week saw President Millerand, Premier Poincare and ex-Premiers Briand and Painleve, and Radical Mayor Edouard Herriot of Lyons rocked together in a conclave cradle. Rumors, like hope, sprang eternal; but nothing definitely important nor importantly definite became known. It was, however, generally assumed that Edouard Herriot will succeed Raymond Poincare as 70th Premier of the Third Republic.
In an interview at Lyons, M. Herriot gave some reliable indication of what his policy will be, if or when he assumed the Premiership:
Experts' Report: "Abroad as well as at home, my action will be an appeal to all Democrats, and from the democrats of all countries I have received most encouraging promises of cooperation. Our first job will be to settle the difficulties in the way of putting the Experts' Report into operation and after it is in operation we shall study the conditions under which evacuation of the Ruhr may take place."
Russia: "I do not confound the Russian people nor the Russian Government with the Moscow International, whose political literature is stupid and puerile, and does not impress me. In trying to reestablish relations with the Soviet Republic, I shall not let myself be maneuvered by agitation and I shall not forget that small French investors have great interests in Russia."
Germany: "Every display of German good faith will find an equal display on this side of the Rhine, but I hope there is no idea in Germany that I can be duped."
Home: The "coming Premier" said he would favor amnesty for political prisoners, put the finances of the country on a sound basis, not by increasing taxes but by forcing payment by those people who have managed to evade paying their full share.