Monday, Jun. 23, 1924
New Books
(Political, Economic, Historical, Biographical)
THE LIFE OF SIR HENRY CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN--J. A. Spender--Houghton (Two volumes, $10 each). When a distinguished Liberal editor, such as J. Alfred Spender, undertakes to write the biography of so great a Liberal luminary as Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, onetime (1905-1908) Prime Minister of England, the result is almost certain to satisfy the highest expectations of exacting critics. Ex-Premier Asquith, himself a rare survivor of the school led by Campbell- Bannerman, has placed on record his appreciation of the author's work in these excellent volumes. "If it ever became my fate to have my biography written," he says,* ". . . there are no hands to which I would rather that the task was entrusted than those of my old and much valued friend, Mr. J. A. Spender."
In these two books are to be found not merely the personal details of a man nor an account of his life and his life's work, but the detailed history of Liberalism from about the middle of the 19th Century until 1908. The fact that Campbell-Bannerman is so closely interwoven in the narration of that history merely goes to prove that he became increasingly a life-giving force within the circle of the Liberal Party. "
H. C. B.," as his chief, Lord Spencer, used to refer to him, was a man of staid Scotch qualities: intellectually honest, sober in all respects; a scholar of no mean repute, well-traveled and rich. His mind was practical. In Parliament he was formidable; in the country his speeches were direct, forceful and efficient; but he was no orator, and no man has ever rightly said of him that he was in any sense demagogic. He hated publicity and one of his favorite phrases was: "I don't think we need publish this urbi et orbi." His ability at quoting the classics was remarkable. In a famous letter to Lord Rosebery he states that he does not wish to become Leader of the Opposition, but that he would accept if the choice fell upon him. "If it should turn out otherwise, I should exclaim with my favorite character in all history:
Ou qpovtic 'IPPoxiEidP**
His place in British political history is certainly great. His statesmanship was of a high order and as a politician his influence was far-reaching. How much does ex-Premier Asquith owe to his predecessor? Probably he himself could not answer that question. Both men have carried on a British tradition in that they were both Premiers of high intellectual attainments. But it remains to be said of Sir Henry that he prepared the way for the Long Parliament of Mr. Asquith (1908-1915) by his efficient conduct in Parliament and by his masterly management of the Liberal Party. He inculcated into that Party not a policy but a political doctrine that was part of himself. And he has contributed in no small measure to Liberal tradition--a tradition that may yet help that Party to overcome its present troubles at Westminster.
STUDIES AND SKETCHES--Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith--Doran ($2.50).
A book by ex-Premier Herbert H. Asquith is like a jewel bought at Tiffany's --you know it is good before you take a look at it. Thus it is with this book of essays which includes subjects as diverse as Reading and Writing and The Past Crusade.
The ex-Premier is master of a style which has made his literary work worthy of comparison with the greatest of contemporary British writers. The pity is that he does not write more. The present book--a collection of addresses and articles--is no exception. There is, perhaps, little original in the substance of the writer's observations; but the presentation of his views shines forth in pure brilliance.
THE ROMANCE OF THE LAST CRUSADE --:Major Vivian Gilbert -- Appleton ($2.00).
Avoiding the temptation of making unkind comment on the appearance at this late date of yet another War book, it is only necessary to remark that the bull of excommunication, issued by general consent, must be repealed in favor of Major Gilbert.
This story of the British campaign in Palestine presents a side of history that historians most often forget--the personal element in events. For example the author depicts with potent simplicity an event of supreme importance :
". . . the Lifta [village in Palestine] cock crew ... If there was a cockerel . . . there were probably hens ... if hens--why not eggs?" The second in command of the brigade sent one Private Murch to buy some eggs--his mouth had been watering for eggs for some time past. Private Murch sped village-wards.
" 'Ello ! What was that ?' A great crowd was approaching. 'You are a British soldier, are you not ?'" asked a red fezzed figure ... " 'Should say so,' " replied Private Murch. " Where is General Allah Nebi [General Alien-by] ?'" . . . "'Anged If I know, mister.' " Said the voice under the red fez: " 'I want to surrender ze city, please. "Ere are ze keys, it is yours!'
" 'I don't want yer city, I want some heggs for my hofficers!' "
In such simple language was it made known that the great city of Jerusalem had surrendered to the Allies.
* Mr. Cummins has been present in Mexico City as in charge of the archives of the old British Legation,"
* Vide Studies and Sketches noted in the next column.
** Hippocleides don't care." Answer returned by Hippocleides to Cleisthenes, the hand of whose daughter he sought, when he was informed that his excessive display of dancing and acrobatics had cost him his bride.