Monday, Jul. 14, 1924
Silver Coinage
The question of the gold standard is more than merely an abstract topic for economists to debate. It vitally concerns the western silvermine owners, who have been far from backward in the past in "protecting their interests" in Washington. In 1896 many silver miners supported Bryan, not because they really feared mankind was being crucified on a cross of gold, but because his doctrines meant increased sales of the white metal.
Just now the market for silver in European countries is distinctly good. Europe is weary of everlasting paper bills of doubtful value, but scarcely ready as yet to return to a pure gold standard. As a result, there is widespread demand for silver coins. Over 3,000,000 ounces of silver has been sold by American companies to Poland, to be coined into Polish token money. The German Government has under consideration a 30,000,000-ounce order for silver. Austria has resumed silver coinage at her own mint, and Russia is considering the coinage of silver money. Ultimately, too, it is likely that the British will increase the proportion of silver in their subsidiary silver coins, which were "debased" during collapse of the pound sterling to keep them from being melted down and sold by speculators.