Monday, Jul. 14, 1924

COMING. During the past week the following men and women arrived in the U. S. on the following ships:

On the Aquitania (Cunard)--Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather, famed creator of Ol' Bill and Little Alf.

On the George Washington (United States)--Lucio and Simiplicio Goldino, 16-year-old Filipino Siamese twins.

On the France (French)--William Martin, American opera singer from L'Opera Comique, Paris; Mme. Mary Mellish, Metropolitan Opera soprano; M. le Senateur Gaston Menier, "chocolate king of France."

GOING. During the past week the following men and women left the U. S. on the following ships:

On the Olympic (White Star) -- Andrew W. Mellon, U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, with his daughter Ailsa and son Paul; Col. Lloyd C. Griscom, one-time U. S. Ambassador at Rome; Dr. Joseph Collins, famed neurologist, author: The Doctor Looks at Literature -- (TIME, June 25, 1923) ; James Speyer, "international banker"; H. A. Cunard Cummins, British ex-Charge des Archives at Mexico City (TIME, June 23) ; Jane Cowl, famed Juliet; Joseph Urban, famed scenic artist; Daniel E. Woodhull, President of the American Banknote Co.; Simon Guggenheim, President of the American Smelting & Refining Co.; Solomon R. Guggenheim, President of the Braden Copper Co.; Henri Bendel, famed milliner.

On the Adriatic (White Star)--T. W. Gregory, onetime U. S. Attorney General; Stanley A. Sweet, President of Sweet, Orr & Co. (famed overalls).

On the Mauretania (Cunard)--Howard Carter, famed discoverer of Tut-Ankh-Amen's tomb; Medill McCormick, senior U. S. Senator from Illinois ; Olga Petrova, actress.

On the Minnewaska (Atlantic Transport)--Dr. William H. Welch, President of the Board of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research; Mrs. Gelett Burgess, wife of the famed creator of the Goops.

On the Belgenland (Red Star) -- Lionel Atwill, famed actor, with his wife, Elsie Mackay, actress.

On the Celtic (White Star)--Thomas W. Lamont, famed Morgan partner.

On the Carmania (Cunard)--Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the U. S.; Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, P. E. Bishop of Tennessee.

On the Paris (French)--Jules Jussrand, French Ambassador to the U. S.; Irene Bordoni, famed comedienne, with her husband, E. Ray Goetz, theatrical producer; Rosamond Pinchot, ex-Nun of The Miracle and niece of Pennsylvania's famed Governor ; Mrs. Harry Palmerson-Williams (Marguerite Clark), famed cinema actress; Mistinguett, famed luminary of Innocent Eyes; Dr. Walter Dill Scott, President of Northwestern University (Chicago) ; Alexander Grosset, President of Grosset & Dunlap, publishers.

On the Leviathan (United States)-- Edwin V. Morgan, U. S. Ambassador to Brazil; Carl Laemmle, Jr., cinema producer; Gilda Gray, famed dancer, with her husband, Gil Boag, Broadway cabaret owner.

On the Majestic (White Star)--Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, sculptress; Cass Gilbert, famed architect; Max Steuer, famed Manhattan lawyer; Morris Gest, theatrical producer; Vassily Katchaloff, leading actor of the Moscow Art Theatre; Lee Shubert, theatrical producer.