Monday, Jul. 28, 1924
Boss Olvany, the quintessence of patriotism. (P. 6.)
A distinguished bachelor enjoying his pinnacle. (P. 27.)
Two flawless specimens of the race. (P. 1.)
Legitimate hotel keepers. (P. 4.)
The patroness of the best Capitoline dressmaker. (P. 3.)
The transcontinental summer schedule of the U. S. Air Mail. (P. 30.)
Scientific laundering of blood. (P. 21.)
Five historic American murders presented in rare literary style. (P. 15.)
Eight carloads of Australian flowers. (P. 18.)
A cornerstone of American opera on the site made famous by Mad Anthony Wayne. (P. 18.)
The Cinderella of business -she was wooed by Prince Charming. (P. 26.)
Rich, ruddy, raucous melodrama that produces the same effect as an old family tintype with the head-clamps showing. (P. 16.)
A group of men that gather yearly at Williamstown with dignity in their countenances, destiny in their brief cases. (P. 20.)
Little Old Man Ledoux, gamest of the game. (P. 28.)
A 14-year-old prodigy from the Ural asbestos beds. (P. 17.)
An exotic personality that bloomed in Boston's chill. (P. 17.)