Monday, Aug. 04, 1924
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Mr. G. F. Baker's vain attempt to take a vacation. (P. 24.)
The inventor of Oscar Sauce". (P. 30.)
Forests in Canada, ruby mines in the Urals, . . . hotels in Japan. (P. 13.)
More dinners in the Inns--more mellow vintages and rare good fellowship. (P. 15.)
A handsome, skilful creature who tended goal for the winning side. (P. 21.)
An honest statement from Economist Keynes. (P. 6.)
Trousers of an ethereal cut. (P. 29.)
Much tearful wailing done away with. (P. 18.)
Five hundred thousand dollars pledged at $1 a head from the United Hebrew trades. (P. 2.)
A womanly queen and a queenly woman. (P. 10.)
The career of a crusader for seafood. (P. 19.)
"The man who originated, organized, operated the famous Farm Bloc." (P. 26.)
Two 400-ton shields boring blindly under the Hudson toward a subfluvian marriage. (P. 19.)
The taming of shrewish Mr. Mencken. (P. 19.)
A special hymn dedicated to the Premier. (P. 10.)
Woolen underwear and fur-lined coats. (P. 28.)
The one candidate who is thoroughly at home before the camera. (P. 5.)
Remarkable creatures, uncouth but agile -- spindle-shanked, with rotund small bellies. (P. 13.)