Monday, Aug. 18, 1924
Worn, Broke
The world-fliers are not the cheery men who landed gaily in Croydon, London's airport, and adjourned merrily for refreshments of a pre-prohibition character. They are tired-out and nervous. The last few flights seemed to have worn them down more than the previous 18,000 miles. Certain differences of temperament and opinion have brought sharp criticism and retort from formerly friendly lips. And the uncertainty as to further advance is harrowing. Also they are broke. The Government allowed them $8-a-day expenses on the world flight and they will have to account for every dollar to recover. Yet in London alone they spent $300 apiece for their Arctic equipment; they are $1,000 out of pocket. "Will we really fly home and will we ever get our money back?" are not worries that these brave men deserve.