Monday, Aug. 18, 1924

New World's Records

Established at the Women's International Track Meet, Stamford Bridge, Eng.:

P: 250-metre dash: Mary Lines of Great Britain, 34 1/4 sec.

P: 1,000-metre run: E. S. Trickey of Great Britain, 3 min., 8 1-5 sec.

P: 120-yard hurdles: Mary Lines of Great Britain, 173-5 sec.

P: High jump: Elise Van Truyen of Belgium, 4 ft. 11 1/2 in.

P: Discus throw: Violette Morris of France, 98 ft., 9 in.

P: Javelin throw: L. Groslimend of Switzerland, 156 ft., 1/4 in.

P: 660-yard relay: Great Britain (Palmer, Gamble, Edwards, Thompson), 1 min., 183-5 sec.

P: Two-thirds of a mile bicycle sprint: Alex McBeath of Australia, at Newark, N. J., 1 min. 9 4-5 sec.