Monday, Aug. 25, 1924
A "Notification"
In Washington, with small pomp, a delegation from the American Federation of Labor approached Senator La-Follette and notified him, not of his nomination, but of his endorsement by the Federation. The chief part of the unceremonial ceremony was a speech by Frank Morrison, Secretary of the A. F. of L. Said he:
"We are instructed by the Executive Committee of the Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee of the American Federation of Labor to bring to you this personal and official notification of our action as detailed in the report adopted by the A. F. of L. Executive Council in Atlantic City.
"We present to you for yourself and for Senator Wheeler that document.
"We are instructed, also, to say to you for President Gompers that we are for you and for Senator Wheeler, that we are for you without restriction, and that so far as the 1924 Presidential tickets and platforms of the two old parties are concerned, we have burned our bridges. The fight is on."