Monday, Sep. 15, 1924


Secretary of Commerce Hoover attended the sixth annual Convention of the U. S. Fisheries Association. He had some statistics to give:

In 30 years, the shad fisheries have decreased their yield 70%.

Salmon have disappeared from the Atlantic Coast and have decreased by 50% along the Pacific Coast.

In 25 years, the lobster yield has fallen off 66 2/3%.

In 25 years, the oyster fisheries of Chesapeake Bay have fallen off 50%.

In 10 years, the crab fisheries of Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River have fallen off 50%.

In 40 years, the sturgeon fisheries of the Great Lakes have fallen off 98%.

Halibut, river herring, sea trout, striped bass, clams are all decreasing in numbers.

As remedies, he proposed artificial restocking, restriction of fishing and prevention of the pollution of waters by dumping of chemicals, factory wastes, etc. Some measures have already been taken by Congress. There is a new law against dumping of oil by oil-burning vessels; drastic restrictions have been placed on the Alaskan salmon fisheries; the upper Mississippi River has been set aside as a breeding ground; a halibut treaty has been signed with Canada.