Monday, Nov. 03, 1924

Record Car Loadings

However dubious some departments of U. S. business may appear this fall, the movement of freight is almost all that could be desired. A large volume of freight is being transported each week; and the railroads are handling it very efficiently and with very fair profits. The week ending Oct. 11 set a new high record for 1924 with 1,088,462 cars loaded--1,015 cars above the previous high total for the year, and only 9,031 cars below the high record for all time of 1,097,493 cars, established during the week ending Sept. 29, 1923. Also, for the fifth consecutive week, a new high record for all time was established in the loadings of merchandise; for the week ending Oct. 11, this class of freight aggregated 259,617 cars. The steadily mounting movement of merchandise would seem to indicate heavy present and prospective buying by the public.