Monday, Dec. 01, 1924

TIME, The Weekly News-Magazine. Editors--Briton Hadden and Henry R. Luce. Associates--Manfred Gottfried (National Affairs), John S.Martin, Thomas J. C. Martyn (Foreign News), Jack A. Thomas (Books). Weekly Contributors--John Farrar, Willard T. Ingalls, Alexander Kleamun, Peter Mathews, Wells Root, Preston Lockwood, Niven Busch. Published by TIME, Inc., H. R. Luce, Pres.; I. S. Martin, Vice-Pres. ; B. Hadden, Secy-Treas.; 236 E. 39th St., New York City. Subscription rate, one year, postpaid: In the United States and Mexico. $5.00; in Canada, $5.50; elsewhere, $6.00. For advertising rates address: Robert L. Johnson, Advertising Manager, TIME, 236 E. 39th St., New York City; New England representatives, Sweeney & Price, 127 Federal St., Boston, Mass.; Western representatives, Powers & Stone, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.; Circulation Manager, Roy E. Larsen, Vol. IV, No, 22.