Monday, Dec. 15, 1924
Mr. Coolidge's Week
P: One of the heaviest duties in the White House office was the selection of names for ratification by the Senate as candidates for many posts. A list of several hundred postmasterial nominations was sent to that body. P: The same day that Congress was hearing his message from the lips of its clerks, Mr. Coolidge and his wife left Washington for Chicago to attend the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago. They traveled both ways in a drawingroom of an ordinary pullman car, and ate in the diner. (Cost of a special train $6,000; a private car $2,200. Estimated cost of the journey to the party $500. The saving is to the Government since cost is paid out of the President's expense account.) Comment: 1) "Good example of economy." 2) "False economy; public travel too dangerous." P: In Chicago the President telephoned and asked the health of General Charles G. Dawes. At luncheon in the Drake Hotel he spoke to the Commercial Club saying: "We cannot hope indefinitely to maintain our country as a specially favored community, an isle of contentment lifted above the general level of the average standards of humanity." After luncheon the President attended ceremonies commemorating the 250th anniversary of the day when Pere Marquette landed at Chicago. Then he proceeded to the stockyards, saw herds of blooded stock and crowds of enthusiastic people. At dinner in the evening, he spoke at Stock Yards Inn on the post-War troubles of livestock raisers. Fourteen hours after arriving in Chicago, the Presidential party started back for the Capital. P: On the return trip, B. & O. officials split the President's train in two at Willard, Ohio, and the through cars went ahead in a special section arriving two and a half hours ahead of time. In the dining car, the steward asked: "Is your coffee all right?" "Delicious," retorted Mrs. Coolidge. "What did you think was the matter with it?" demanded Mr. Coolidge--and another myth was started. P: The President signed a deficiency bill for $126,000,000 carrying funds for the soldier bonus.