Monday, Jan. 12, 1925
Flaming Oratory
The past week in Rome was, as in other parts of the world, seven days long, but to Italians it must have seemed like seven ages.
In the midst of a perfect pandemonium of insults, assaults, challenges, blows, accusations, threats and other manifestations of a risen anger, Benito Mussolini, Premier of Italy, held his ground.
To a group of Fascist editors he said:
"This is the first of a series of meetings which will show the indestructible power of Fascism. It is grotesque to judge a battle or a war by the first maneuvre. After having won as regards the length of front, we must now win in depth. And we will win, that is final. My presentation of the electoral bill, medidated upon for a long time, is the beginning, not the end, and it offers the party an opportunity of winning a great political battle--a political, not only an electoral battle, I ask you to understand."
If Benito's optimism aroused the uproarious cheers of his followers, it left the Opposition press, long since inured to his bombastic rhetoric, stone cold. Such remarks as the following were the order of the day: "Italy cannot continue to be governed by a man who is four centuries behind, as Mussolini can only be compared to a lord of the 16th Century."
"Italy cannot be governed by a man who is implicated in a criminal trial."
Among the politicians of the Opposition, criticism was warped by anger. The Cesare Rossi memorandum--an indictment of Mussolini for having pre-sonally incited violence, by a Fascist under arrest in connection with the Matteotti murder--was frequently invoked and similar accusations were threatened.
It was clear that the Government was sick to death of the Opposition's attacks, that the Opposition was weary of the Government's talk without action, that the Italian people were fed to the teeth with both the Government and the Opposition. The Government decided on action. A rumor had reached it that its enemies were arming. On that pretext, eleven newspapers were seized in Rome, Milan, Turin; many homes of prominent Opposition leaders were searched.
There followed savage attacks by Communists upon Fascisti all over the country. In 48 hours, 17 people were hurt, 5 mortally wounded, 3 killed. Premier Mussolini appealed for order.
Opposition newspapers carried a fake story that a force of 60,000 Fascisti was marching on Rome to inaugurate a reign of terror. Eight newspapers in Rome, five in Milan, one in Turin, two in Genoa, five in Naples, two in Verona--23 in all--were seized, but were permitted to publish again after the offending story had been deleted.
The blazing fires of Mussolini's wrath were kindled. At the reopening of the Chamber of Deputies, the Premier appeared as a man possessed with the devil. The Government benches resounded with the thumps from his large, white hands. His heavy face was red with fury, his eyes flashed like a thousand daggers in the sunlight, his voice sounded like the bellow of a bull as he turned toward the Fascist Deputies and roared:
"The Opposition describes us as an army of bandits encamped in Italy. We have swallowed their insults and allowed them to call us brigands and assassins. Now before the Chamber, before the whole nation and before God I alone assume full personal, political, moral and historical responsibility for everything that has occurred in Italy. If Fascism is an association of malefactors then let it be known that I am head of this association of malefactors."
Across the Chamber floated "Bravo!" in a shrill treble from a woman in the gallery. Instantly bravos and vivas were engaged in mortal combat for supremacy. After fatigue had set in, the Premier resumed by referring to the memorandum of Cesare Rossi. Opening a large red book, he read Article 47 of the Italian Constitution. Then he said:
"The Constitution of the Kingdom of Italy gives the Parliament the faculty to impeach the King's Ministers by bringing them before the High Court of Justice.
"I formally ask whether there is anyone in this Chamber or elsewhere who wishes to avail himself of that faculty."
An ensuing moment of dreadful silence was ended by loud shouts from the Fascisti: "Viva Mussolini! Viva Fascismo!"
Pointing to himself and speaking with
passionate determination, he expostulated :
"I am accused of having organized a murder gang on the lines of the Russian Cheka, but nobody is able to say when, where or how. The truth is that the Italian Cheka has never existed. If I had founded such an organization I would have seen to it that its violence was always intelligent, timely and chivalrous, while the violences attributed to the Cheka which I am accused of founding always have been unintelligent, untimely and stupid."
The Premier then reminded the Chamber that the murder of Matteotti (TIME, June 23) had taken place after one of his (Mussolini's) greatest parliamentary victories in which he had invoked the goddess of national conciliation. "Even my enemies allow," he challenged, "that I am gifted with some small amount of intelligence, with much courage and with supreme disregard for filthy lucre. Please spare me the insult of believing me so stupid as to have ordered that crime to be committed."
As for the "filthy, ignoble and scandalous campaign" of the Opposition press against Fascism--"the moment has come to pass to the counteroffensive. The whole nation is asking what the Government is doing, the whole nation is asking whether it is governed by men or by puppets. The nation feels that its dignity is being wounded because the nation wants its own dignity to be reflected in the dignity of the Government."
"Now it is enough," he added, "when two parties fight each other from apparently impregnable positions; then force alone can be the arbiter, and the whole of history teaches us this. The Opposition believed that Fascism was dead, because on some occasions I have found it necessary to punish it. But let them remember that if I had employed in enflaming Fascism a hundredth part of the energy I have employed in restraining it, then indeed there would not be one single enemy of Fascism from one end of Italy to the other."
With a magnificent gesture the Premier ended his speech:
"The Government, however, is sufficiently strong to destroy the Aventine opposition entirely. I solemnly bind myself within 48 hours of this speech to clear up the political situation."
Terrific roof-raising yells greeted Mussolini. Deputies rushed at him and bore him out of the Chamber shoulder high while salvo upon salvo of cheers boomed out from the overhead galleries. It was conceded to be Mussolini's greatest triumph.