Monday, Jan. 12, 1925


The following books, economically, politically, historically, or biographically related to Foreign News, have recently been published in the U. S.:

TWELVE YEARS AT THE IMPERIAL GERMAN COURT--Count Robert Zedlitz-Truetzschler--Doran ($5.00). For seven years, Count Zedlitz-Truetzschler was Controller of the Imperial Household of Kaiser Wilhelm II, now Kaiser of a small estate at Doom, Holland. For seven years, he lived almost cheek by jowl with his Imperial master; he knew him as few men did; he left him in 1910, thoroughly disgusted and, as Bismarck did 20 years earlier, with a profound sense that the Kaiser's absolutism would lead Germany to catastrophe. His view of the Kaiser, prejudices duly discounted, is favorable rather than otherwise; certainly more flattering than the author intends or the Kaiser deserves.

THE FARINGTON DIARY, VOL. III*--Joseph Farington. Edited by James Greig -- Doran ($7.50). If Joseph Farington was a mediocre artist, he at least excelled as a diarist. He seems to have known everybody worth knowing and his books teem with piquant anecdotes about Nelson, George III and IV, Pitt, Napoleon, Fox, Dr.

Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds and a hundred others whose names have made history. Students of history will find the Diary a mine of information; the ordinary reader cannot fail to be engrossed by the absorbing account of life as it was during the late Georgian period.

LADY SUFFOLK AND HER CIRCLE--Lewis Melville -- Houghton Mifflin' ($5.00). The light which this book diffuses on the dark ages of the early Georges shines like a beacon upon a dismal barren island. Lady Suffolk, Mistress of George II, is the lady of the lamp. In 40 letters upon which the author has based his work, she gives some choice sidelights on the social life of the time; and the author in his turn has been able to embellish them with many an observation drawn from his immense knowledge of the period. The reader learns that George I was depressed at becoming King of England, that Lady Suffolk upbraided her royal lover for neglect, that life with the German Georges was not quite as dull from the inside as it appears from the outside.

THE FRENCH REVOLUTION IN ENGLISH HISTORY--Philip Anthony Brown --Button ($3.00). Philip Brown was a young Oxford graduate who died a soldier's death on the fields of Flanders in 1915 in his 30th year. Prof. Gilbert Murray, famed Greek scholar, pays ample tribute to his great intellectual gifts in a short introduction.

The book deals with the influence of the French Revolution on British society--using that word in its broad sense--and parallels to some extent the present day influence of the Bolsheviki on nations outside of Russia. Readers of Carlyle, of Burke, of biographers such as John Morley, of other historians, will have a clear idea of the magnitude of the diversified reactions which the bloody fall of the French monarchy had in England. But in this book these influences are specifically set forth in relation to the then radicals and with an intensely penetrating analysis of an aspect of the Revolution which has hitherto not been directly treated.

MODERN TURKEY -- Eliot Grinnell Mears--Macmillan ($6.00). A politico-economic survey of modern Turkey from the days of the Young Turks to the declaration of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Taken by and large, the book is, aside from being extremely well-written, a masterpiece of impartial history. There are some excellent chapters by leading Turkish authorities.

*The first two volumes were reviewed in TIME, Dec. 31, 1923,