Monday, Jan. 19, 1925
The Legislative Week
The Senate:
P: Adopted a House resolution appropriating $15,000 for the expense of a commission to participate in the 150th anniversary of the battles of Concord and Lexington. (Went to the President.)
P: Passed with two hours' consideration the appropriation bill for the Department of the Interior, carrying $238,981,403. (Went to conference.)
P: Sustained the President's veto of the bill increasing postal salaries (see Page 5) by vote of 29 to 55.
P: Passed with only 15 minutes' consideration the Treasury and Post Office Departments' appropriations bill carrying $763,309,015. (Went to conference.)
P: Passed with one hour and 25 minutes' consideration the appropriation bill for the Department of Agriculture, carrying about $125,000,000. (Went to conference.)
P: Voted 48 to 37 to. substitute the Underwood Bill (providing for leasing the Muscle Shoals plant to private operators) for the Norris Bill (providing for Government operation of the Muscle Shoals plant). The effect of this vote was to eliminate the Norris Bill from consideration. It did not constitute passage of the Underwood Bill.
P: Confirmed the nomination of James R. Sheffield to be Ambassador to Mexico.
The House:
P: Passed a bill appropriating $1,600,000 to pay an award made by the National War Labor Board to the employes of the Bethlehem Steel Co. (Went to Senate.)
P: Passed an emergency deficiency bill carrying appropriations of $157,000,000, of which $150,000,000 was for refunds of illegally collected taxes. (Went to Senate.)
P: Passed the War Department appropriation bill, carrying $331,000,000, of which $40,000,000 is for river and harbor improvements. (Went to Senate.)