Monday, Jan. 19, 1925
The first woman to become the governess of a state was not the far-famed Mrs. "Ma" Ferguson of Texas, but Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming. Appearing in weeds, wearing a hat (perhaps the first time that a hat was ever worn on such an occasion), she delivered her short inaugural in a low voice before a gathering in the Senate Chamber at Cheyenne. "My friends," was her form of salutation. She continued: "Owing to the tragic and unprecedented circumstances* which surround my induction into office, I have felt it not only unnecessary but inappropriate for me to now enter into such discussion of policies as usually constitutes an inaugural address.
"This occasion does not mark the beginning of a new administration, but rather the resumption/- of that which was inaugurated in this chamber two years ago. It is well understood, I am sure, that it is my purpose to continue, as I am convinced it is the desire of my state that I should, insofar as changing conditions will permit, the program and policies then launched. . . ." The whole ceremony took only 16 minutes.
* The death of her husband, the late Governor, on Oct. 2, 1924 (TIME, Oct. 13. MILESTONES; Nov. 17).
/-'Resumption" refers to a brief interregnum during which the state was under the guidance of Acting Governor Lucas.