Monday, Feb. 02, 1925


The Bureau of Internal Revenue reported on the income of the Treasury from July 1 to Dec. 31 last. This was the period in which the effect of last spring's tax reductions was first felt. The following table gives the internal revenue collections in millions of dollars as compared with the same period a year earlier:

1923 1924 Decrease INCOME TAXES $821 $780 $41*

Misc. TAXES 518 451 67/-

TOTAL INT. REVENUE. $1,339 $1,231 $108

There were only a few classes of miscellaneous taxes which brought increased revenue: Tobacco taxes increased from 162 to 171 million dollars; club dues taxes increased slightly.

*Represents the flat reduction of 25% made in last year's tax payments.

/-Represents the reduction of some taxes and abolition of others.