Monday, Feb. 02, 1925
At St. Louis, met the biennial convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. More than 1,500 delegates represented 273 congregations at a session, described as "greatest in the history of the Jews in America."
Judaism. The session was held in the name of expansive Judaism, but the so-called problems of the Jews in the U. S. were not among the agenda. The slogan of the session was rather "keep the Jews Jewish," or, as Marcus Aaron, President of the Pittsburgh Board of Education, put it: "The Jews are to remain Jewish!"
Free Synagogues. Aaron Waldheim, Vice Chairman of the General Convention Committee, rose to advocate "free synagogues where there is no distinction between rich and poor."
Dignity. Rabbi Schillman of Chattanooga suggested that the name of Jew be dignified by changing the name of the Union to that of Union of American Jewish Congregations. Heated debate followed, but after several mild Hebraic expletives, his proposal was voted down.
Social Justice. A long program of social justice, proposed by Rabbi Wolsey of Cleveland, was passed in toto by the Union.