Monday, Feb. 02, 1925
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
The ceiling of Mrs. Aldwinkle's best bedroom. (Page 13, column 3.)
A wing collar, a bow tie, a blond mustache. (P. 24, col. 3.)
Thousands upon thousands of tympanic membranes clamped to receiver ends. (P. 28, col. 2.)
An able young man who left the side of his bride. (P. 3, col. 3.)
Four quick-fingered gentlemen. (P. 15, col. 2.)
A dynamic wife. (P. 8, col. 2.)
Hermy Unglaub. He gave his all. (P. 20, col. 3.)
A name hourly in the mouths of L innumerable chewers. (P. 25, col. 1.)
A Cathedral done over in red velvet. (P. 30, col. 3.)