Monday, Feb. 23, 1925

The Legislative Week

The Senate:

P: Adopted a resolution for an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission into alleged violations of the Anti-Trust Law by the American Tobacco Co. and the General Electric Co. (See Page 22.)

P: Considered and passed with amendments the supply bill for the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce and Labor carrying appropriations for 1925-26. (Returned to House.)

P: Ratified a commercial treaty with Germany, an arbitration treaty with Rumania and an agreement to arbitrate with the Netherlands over disputed sovereignty of the island of Palmas.

P: Met in joint session with the House of Representatives and canvassed the electoral vote for President and Vice President, declaring Calvin Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes elected.

P: Passed the House Postal Pay Bill, which had been amended by substituting the Senate bill on which the House had refused to act. (Both bills provide pay increases amounting to $68,000,000 a year, the House measure providing rate increases to bring in $61,000,000, that of the Senate, of about $40,000,000.) (Went to conference.)

P: Passed a House bill authorizing a survey of sites for National Park purposes in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, in the Big Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee and in the Mammoth Cave Region of Kentucky. (Went to the President.)

P: Passed with amendments the Independent Offices Appropriation Bill; amendment was attached to the section on funds for the Interstate Commerce Commission directing that the railway surcharge of 50% on Pullman car tickets, established during the war, be abolished. There was a vigorous debate on this amendment, Senator Howell of Nebraska protesting that if it were possible to reduce any railway revenues, the reduction should be on freight rates for farm products. To this, Senator Reed of Missouri replied that the surcharge reduction would benefit everyone: "The farmer doesn't ride on the cowcatcher. He rides in the Pullman, just the same as other people." (Returned to House.)

P: Confirmed, without a rollcall, the nomination of Ambassador Kellogg to be Secretary of State.

The House:

P: Passed a Postal Pay Bill carrying pay increases of $68,000,000 and rate increases of $61,000,000. (Went to Senate.)

P: Passed a bill to authorize Intermediate Credit Banks to rediscount paper of cooperative marketing associations, one of the few farm measures which it is believed may be passed this session. (Went to Senate.)

P: Rose in tumult when Republican Floor Leader Longworth, 55, entered the House the morning after the birth of a daughter to his wife, Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Democratic Floor Leader Garrett made a speech of felicitation.

P: Held a special Sunday session to eulogize deceased Senators Lodge, Brandegee, Colt.

P: Considered and passed the appropriation bill for the Legislative Establishment, carrying $15,000,000, the last of the regular supply bills. (Went to Senate.)