Monday, Feb. 23, 1925
In China
On a clear day, the students of Yali College, Changsha (Yale-in-China), were engaged in a football* game against Boone University of Wuchang. Play was heated; the referee was somnolent; a bullethead from Yali altercated with a slant-eyed Wuchang. Fists flew; both teams stopped to watch the scufflers. Suddenly, into the melee, came pelting a gentleman in a long gown of scholarly silk-Professor Kau (Yali). Forthwith, he smote down the Yali scuffler, strode away.
Yalis put their heads together. The president of the student council called a meeting, waiting not for faculty permission. From the meeting came a mandate--Professor Kau must apologize for his barbarity by humbling himself before all at Chapel Service, where, decreed the Yalis, he should bow three times to students, three times to faculty. President Hume of Yali had this carried out--triumph in the Yali camp. Then President Hume expelled the President of the Student Council-- triumph for Professor Kau. Thereupon 240 Yalis refused to attend classes, wrote for help to the Anti-Foreign and Anti-Christian Association. President Hume also set pen to paper, informed the parents of these Yalis-"if they do not return at once, they will be out for good." Back came the humbled 240.
In Near East
Where the fringes of Asia touch Europe the Black Sea pours, its waters down the Bosporus into the blue Mediterranean and divides the West from the East. Here is the Near East, with its diversified aromas, its medley of tongues and faiths, its rowdy bazaars, its quaint assortment of dress, its veiled women--a land where Allah is worshipped and Muhammad is his Prophet. Here, too, are five American Colleges fearlessly imparting learning to various people of various races, of various religions.
To these strange waters have sailed the persons, money, interests of many American families, most notable of which is that of Dodge, a family famed in copper-mining, Presbyterianism, Y. M. C. A. work, general benevolence, peace.
Last week, Cleveland H. Dodge/- inaugurated a drive for $2,500,000 for these Eastern seats. Said he: "It is hoped that this amount may be underwritten as an insurance policy within a few months."
Then he came forward with $500,000, one-fifth of the entire amount.
Three generations of Dodges have interested themselves in educational and relief work in the Near East. William Earl Dodge, father of Cleveland H. Dodge, was the first President of the American College at Beirut, a position now filled by his grandson, Bayard Dodge, on a salary of $1.00 a year. Miss Grace Dodge, sister of Cleveland, was President of the Constantinople Woman's College until her death; while a daughter is the wife of George W. Huntington, who is Vice President of Robert College.
The five colleges are:
Robert College, founded in 1863 by Rhinelander Robert, merchant, and Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, missionary. It is situated midway up the Bosporus on the European side.
Constantinople Woman's College was founded in 1890 by Dr. Mary Mills Patrick, who resigned last year (TIME, Aug. 11) after 53 years' service, and was succeeded by Mrs. Kathryn Newell Adams, born in Prague, Bohemia, of missionary parents.
The American University of Beirut, in Syria, founded by Dr. Daniel Bliss in 1866, is situate on the foothills of the Lebanons a few hours' distance from the ruins of Tyre and Sidon.
The International College of Smyrna, once thriving, has suffered considerably from the "Great War and Turko-Greek wars.
The Sofia American Schools are mission schools at the capital of Bulgaria.
All these institutions are now educating 2,838 students of 29 different nationalities and at least eight different religions.
*Long did Yali students scorn all athletics for the reasons 1) that they are undignified; 2) that they cannot well be performed in the long robes that distinguished in China a scholar from a clod.
/- Of the Princeton class which graduated Woodrpw Wilson, Cyrus H. McCormick, Robert Bridges.