Monday, Feb. 23, 1925

Methodists at Top

The incoming Congress was investigated, was discovered to adhere religiously as follows:

House Senate

Methodist 90 27

Presbyterian 63 11

Episcopal 57 22

Baptist 48 5

Congregational 32 6

Roman Catholic 32 4

Christian Disciple 21 1

Lutheran 17 2

Hebrew 8 0

Protestant 7 0

Unitarian 4 2

Quaker 3 1

Reformed 3 0

United Brethren 2 0

Universalist 2 0

Mennonite 1 0

Mormon 1 2

Christian Scientist 1 0

None 35 10

Unknown 7 3

Vacancies 1 0

Also reported: in the House, 304 Masons, 98 Knights of Pythias, 74 Odd Fellows; in the Senate, 65 Masons, 13 Knights, 7 Odd Fellows.

"America," says the Methodist Board of Temperance, "was founded by men who were, in the main, devoted believers in the Christian faith, and the Nation will not go far astray as long as it is directed according to the principles of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man as laid down by the Christian church."