Monday, Mar. 02, 1925


According to a report made by S. Parker Gilbert, Agent General of Reparations, the Experts' Plan to enable Germany to pay her War bills is working.

In January, Mr. Gilbert received 108,317,807 gold marks ($27,079,451).* These were mainly distributed as follows:

Gold Marks Britain ............................................ 19,359,465 $4,839,866 France ............................................ 47,275,636 $11,818,909 Italy .................................................... 8,958,938 $2,239,734 Belgium ............................................ 9,334,886 $2,333,721 Japan ................................................... 399,297 $99,824 Jugo Slavia ...................................... 2,076,762 $519,190 Portugal ............................................... 724,894 $181,223 Rumania .............................................. 340,714 $85,178 Greece .................................................. 684,122 $171,030 Military Control Commission (expenses). ...................................... 1,333,333 $333,333

After other sums had been paid, a surplus was left of 4,742,459 gold marks ($1,185,617).

Up to Jan. 31, receipts were 394,581,255 sold marks ($98,645,316), disbursements 381,396.148 gold marks ($95,369,037), leaving a cash balance in the Reichsbank of 13,185,107 gold marks ($3,296,277).

*There are approximately four gold marks to the dollar.