Monday, Mar. 23, 1925
The Legislative Week
The Senate:
P: Rejected the nomination of Charles B. Warren to be Attorney General, first by vote of 41 to 39 and, again, by vote of 46 to 39. (See above.)
P: Adopted a resolution providing funds to investigate, during the summer, contests filed for the seats of Senators Brookhart of Iowa, Schall of Minnesota and Bratton of New Mexico.
P: Confirmed the nomination of Colonel James E. Fechet to succeed Brigadier General William Mitchell as assistant chief of the Army Air Service (with the title of Brigadier General).
P: Ratified, with reservations, after a long debate (in which Senator Copeland of New York filibustered in a speech eight hours long, wandering over the floor and talking to anyone who would listen) the Isle of Pines Treaty, acknowledging Cuba's sovereignty over that island. The document bears at the bottom the following words:
"Done at Washington, in English and Spanish, this second day of March, 1904. "(signed) JOHN HAY "(signed) GONZALO DE QUESADA"
P: Senator Reed Smoot, taken ill in the Senate, left the floor and physicians were called. "A severe attack of indigestion," they diagnosed and he was sent home. Later, the diagnosis was changed to "breakdown-- two weeks complete rest necessary."
P: Confirmed the nomination of Eugene Meyer Jr. as Managing Director of the War Finance Corporation.
P: Agreed, by vote of 73 to 2, to make the proposal that the U. S. join the World Court a special order of business on Dec. 17 next.
P: By vote of 64 to 11. after a five-hour debate, confirmed Committee assignments made by caucuses of the major parties. By this act the Republican Insurgents LaFollette, Brookhart, Ladd and Frazier were deprived of all rank in committees, and obtained only such extra places as had been created here and there for their accommodation.