Monday, Mar. 23, 1925

Other Business

Other matters, aside from the Protocol, which came before the Council of the League:

P: Germany was formally invited to join the League. A seat on the Council was promised her.

Foreign Minister Streseman will demand further "clarification of entrance requirements," but it is practically certain his country will eventually join.

P: The Second International Opium Convention (TIME, Nov. 24 et seq.; Mar. 2) was thrown open for signature to all States, members and non-members of the League.

P: The Greco-Turkish dispute over the Patriarchate (TIME, Feb. 9, TURKEY) came up for consideration. The matter was referred for settlement.

P: White-haired ex-Premier Venizelos came out of his retirement to defend Greece over a dispute with Bulgaria about the Bulgarian minorities in Greece. The matter was ended after heated discussion by the Greeks agreeing to answer a series of questions designed to ascertain if she is living up to her obligations toward minorities.

> The dispute between Poland and Danzig, called the "Mail Box Dispute" (TIME, Feb. 23), was referred for settlement to a special session of the World Court.