Monday, Mar. 23, 1925


U. S. President Calvin Coolidge's award in the Tacna-Arica dispute between Chile and Peru (TIME, Mar. 16) was read with great rejoicing in the former country and with passive indignation in the latter.

In Chile, President Coolidge's decision was expected to strengthen the hand of the returning President, Arturo Allessandri-- granted an obligatory vacation by a Military Junto last summer (TIME, Sept. 22)-- by snapping a weapon in the hands of his enemies, who had freely criticized him for submitting the Tacna-Arica award to Washington.

In Peru, President Agusto Leguia expressed himself to Washington as pleased with the award; both Houses of the Peruvian Congress passed favorable resolutions toward it, promised the President their support in fulfilling the terms of the decision. As Peru is generally held to have lost forever the two Provinces of Tacna and Arica by virtue of the fact that a plebiscite is sure to go against her, the official attitude of the President and Congress was possibly nothing more than diplomacy; for the fact remained that, according to newspaper reports, the Peruvians were hotly incensed at the award, and were about to become violent.