Monday, Apr. 06, 1925
Frank R. Kent, keen, knowing Democratic correspondent, wrote to his newspaper, The Baltimore Sun: "A whole flock of revived reports, emanating from here, about changes in the Coolidge Cabinet have gone flying over the country. A great many people believe them.
"There is only one trouble about these stories, and that is that they are not true. . . . They can be accounted for at this time by the fact that Congress has adjourned and news is scarce and dull."
Weeks. "Now it is true, but not new, that Secretary of War Weeks probably will retire and Charles D. Hilles-- be named in his place. Mr. Weeks is old, fat, tired and not so well ; and he has made no secret of his desire to travel around with his wife for a while and then go back to Massachusetts to live. . . . About the rest of them, it is not true at all.
"He [the President] wants them all to stay. . . . They want to stay, too. The idea that Cabinet members find the burden heavy and the life distasteful is another notion for which there is no basis in fact. The truth is they love it -- and no wonder. The position is one of power, dignity and distinction. The social as well as political phases are interesting and desirable. Few leave except with reluctance."
Mellon. "Take the case of Mr. Mellon : Ever since he became Secretary of the Treasury, it has been the custom of bankers to talk of the 'great sacrifices' he was making, and to express fear he might 'become disgusted' and quit.
"Those closest to him know Mr. Mellon not only isn't making any sacrifice but is having more fun than he has had in years. . . . Out in Pittsburgh, he was a sort of legendary figure. He was so completely protected by brothers, nephews and secretaries that no one outside of an exceedingly limited circle ever saw him. He appeared at no public functions, frequented no clubs, did no entertaining. He lived a hidden life and probably saw as few persons as any man in the country outside of a prison. . . .
"He is younger and happier. The mere accumulation of money long ago lost interest for him. The acquiring of a reputation as a useful public servant does interest him a lot. Public service of some sort is all that is left to a man like Mr. Mellon. It may not be true, but it does not make him mad to say he is the 'best Secretary since Alexander Hamilton'."
The Rumors: Postmaster Harry S. New to go into a business venture; Labor Secretary James J. Davis to build up Moosehart, school of the Order of Moose, Illinois, or to run for Governor of Pennsylvania; Interior Secretary Hubert Work (described by Carter Field, New York Herald- Tribune correspondent, as "reluctantly persuaded to remain") to private affairs in Colorado; War Secretary John W. Weeks to enjoy life.
Onetime (1911-13) Secretary to President Taft, prominent in New York politics, Chair man of the Republican National Committee (1912-16), head of an employer's liability insurance firm.