Monday, Apr. 06, 1925


A man beats his wife in any one of 47 states. He is sent to jail. There he loafs. The maltreated wife is without support. He comes back, beats her again.

In the 48th state, Delaware, the wife-beater is taken to the jail or workhouse yard, is stripped to the waist in public view, is tied to a post, is lashed with a tough-thonged whip once, twice--30 stinging times. He goes home, beats no more, is no more beaten. For wife-beaters, the whipping-post is the unbeatable punishment.*

Last week, a bill to abolish the whipping-post came to a vote in the Delaware legislature. It was defeated, 31-1.

So, for another year, the sheriff, his deputy or a constable will continue to whip in Sussex and Kent Counties ; the Board of Trustees of the Workhouse in New Castle County, through their "keepers, officers, agents and servants," will whip on. They will continue on this schedule:


Attempt to poison 60

Lying in wait to maim 30

Assault to rape 30

Wife beating 30

Robbery (near highway or in house) 40

Robbery( elsewhere) 20

Breaking and entering 40

Setting fire To Courthouse 60

To vessel, church, school 20

Perjury 40

*A fine or jail sentence may, if the court pleases, accompany the whipping.