Monday, Apr. 06, 1925
Only One
Few newspapers are without a slogan or motto. The Chicago Daily Tribune, for example, runs that estimable sentiment of Stephen Decatur's: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong." The New York World has an even longer battle-cry, a rhetorical utterance by Joseph Pulitzer defining the whole duty of newspapers. The chaste New York Times says merely : "All the news that's fit to print." The Springfield Republican lets it go at: "All the news, and the truth about it." The Louisville Courier-Journal clinches matters with ''Largest Morning Circulation of any Kentucky Newspaper." The Wall Street Iconoclast, recklessly: "The truth, no matter whom it helps or hurts."
Far less assuming than any of these, and just as forceful, is the claim of The Independent-Reporter, of Skowhegan, Me. Says that sheet: "There are eleven Bostons, many Londons, but ONLY ONE SKOWHEGAN."
The truth of the last part of this statement cannot well be disputed. Skowhegan, though unique, is not a 7 very large town, as suggested by the fact that (according to The Independent-Reporter) a lady of Skowhegan recently found in the street, near the postoffice, a check that another lady of Skowhegan had lost, presumably at that very spot, just six years ago.