Monday, Apr. 13, 1925


"Democracy -Government of the People, for the People, by discussion, preferably at leisure" -to some such ideal, political leaders devote themselves during the long Congressional holidays.

P:Last week, Senator Borah was at Bridgeport, Conn. He inveighed against the World Court because it lacked perfection. He raised the question of confiscated German property, a matter of national honor. He went to Chicago, addressed the Izaak Walton League.

P:Senator Norris accused the U. S. Chamber of Commerce of a 14-million- dollar propaganda fund. It turned out to be merely a subscription campaign for the Chamber's magazine.

P:Senator Walsh charged the interests with an organized plot to discredit Congress as a means of putting through the "Mellon" plan.

P:Words from the Vice President on the subject of Senate rules were awaited.