Monday, Apr. 13, 1925

Royal Benevolence

Giovanni Piroli, aged 31, was down on his luck. So off he went in rags to the Royal Palace. To the guard on duty he said: "I want to see King Victor Emmanuel, for whom I fought and bled."

When King Victor heard that a mutilatto,*wished to see him he granted the audience at once. In the Royal presence, Piroli's legs declined to support him and the King, sensing his predicament, invited the maimed soldier to sit beside him.

"What can I do for you?" asked the King, after he had listened to a long story of the soldier's misfortunes.

Piroli thought, at length replied that his great ambition was to own his own cottage -but that would cost 10,000 lire. The King ordered 20,000 lire* to be given to the man, pressed 500 lire into his hand as he said goodbye, with the words : "Buy food with this."

*A wounded veteran -not to be confused with "mulatto." *By its purchasing power in Italy, about equivalent to a $1,000 gift in the U. S.