Monday, Apr. 20, 1925

Inspired Mortgage

Manhattan and even extra-Manhattan newspapers have devoted to the Calvary Baptist Church, Manhattan, space with an advertising value of perhaps $1,000,000. Most of the space has been filled with the pastor's (Dr. John Roach Straton) denunciation of infidel Modernists. But a good bit has been consumed by the long-mooted plan for leasing the church property for a combination hotel-church.

Last week, a business meeting of the congregation was held to discuss mortgaging and bonding the church for $2,160,000 as a first step toward the big idea.

Dr. Straton is keen for the idea. Five of nine trustees are against it. One Judge Black, a trustee favoring it, called for the dismissal of one Buzbee, an opposing trustee, from his post as church attorney at $10,000 per year. The meeting dismissed Mr. Buzbee, 95-24. One of the five opposition trustees declared that only the trustees could dismiss him.. There were violent words. Finally, Mr. Buzbee appealed to Dr. Straton to go to God in prayer. Dr. Straton replied he had spent all night in prayer and that God had led him to an assurance that it was His will to go forward with the idea. Finally, Judge Black's resolution to go forward even unto mortgage was accepted by the meeting, 89-26. "I am gratified and praise God," said the pastor to newspapermen and added: "The majority of the small opposition group do not attend our weekly prayer meetings or our soul-winning services."