Monday, May. 18, 1925
In Paris, 30 smokers, each provided with a spittoon, cuspidor or bowl, met at the annual open-air smokers' tournament, established many records. Marathon money went to one M. Lenoble, who made a pipeful last 51 min. 11 3/5 sec. (without going out); speed prize to M. Bibendum (President of the Fat Men's Club) who, with perspiration-beaded temples, finished a pipe in 1 min. 10 sec. Cigaret-smoking contests for speed, for endurance, were won by M. Franc,ois Fratellini (member of a famed clown family) whose performances were: 1 min. 3 sec., 38 min. Cigar records were: 1 min. 50 sec., 2 hr. 13 min.
In Berlin, Samson Koerner, heavyweight champion pugilist of Germany, stood upon a railroad platform, about to depart for Leipzig to box Champion Clementel of Switzerland. His sparring partner, one Max Dickmann, wished him aufwiedersehen, put his arms about him, gave him a hug. One of Koerner's ribs snapped. The bout was postponed.
In Minneapolis, a man walked into the house of a friend named William E. Maher, found Maher, one James Castle and one Edward Savage, sitting stiffly at the dining-room table. Confused because they did not greet him, he smacked Maher on the back. Still there was no greeting. The angry friend peered into the faces of Maher, Castle, Savage. They were dead. On the table before them was a jug containing wood alcohol and poisoned berries.