Monday, May. 25, 1925

Early to War

Crazy Horse, Lame Deer, Spotted Eagle, Elk Horn, Broad Road, Natchez and, most bloody of all, Geronimo the Apache and, most formidable, Sitting Bull- down they went, years ago, before Big Chief Bear Coat.

Last week Bear Coat, better known as Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., took his grandchildren to Ringling's circus, at Washington. "You know I never miss the circus," said he to Mr. John Ringling (TIME, Apr. 6, THE THEATRE), whom he met at the Big Tent's door. He, his grandchildren and their maternal grandmother took seats in the third row not far from Mrs. Coolidge. Round the big ring slipped the introductory pageant of horses, elephants, clowns. The old man, Bear Coat, suddenly fell backward. A physician at hand caught him, carried him beneath the seats, took him outdoors. He was dead. There was little commotion. Mrs. Coolidge continued absorbed in the acrobats.

The first big day in the life of General Miles was in 1861 when, aged 22, he left the counting house of a Boston merchant and went to fight. Other big days:

Age 25-shot in the stomach at the battle of Chancellorsville, a most bloody engagement, by a man who years later was glad the bullet had missed his heart.

Age 26-commissioned Major General of Volunteers after having fought with the Army of the Potomac in every battle except one. (The Chancellorsville bullet kept him away from Gettysburg.)

Age 26-Saw Lee surrender to Grant.

Age 30-45-Bloody pursuit and extermination of Indians.

Age 56-appointed Commanding General U. S. A. by President Cleveland.

Age 58-Represented the U. S. at Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

Age 59-Polished off the Spanish-American War and was made Lieutenant General, the sixth in U.S. history.

The General reached the age limit and retired in 1903, after several disagreements, with Mr. Roosevelt. Since then, it has -- been the privilege of younger men at" Washington to make the General's acquaintance; and of the public to applaud him on patriotic occasions.

The General married a daughter of General Sherman. His son is a major; his daughter the wife of a colonel.