Monday, May. 25, 1925
THE SPRING FLIGHT-Lee J. Smits-Knopf ($2.50). When geese went north in the night, when lurid shafts of light played in a forbidden alley, when girls looked longingly at his curly, black hair, Kenneth Farr of the Middle West could not help feeling that there was more in life than his mother had told him about between family prayers. When he grew older and found he was right, he pitied himself for not having been told; posed alternately as "misunderstood" and "no good." As is usual in such cases, he wrote bad verse. He sought liberation on the stage, in journalism, in writing advertising; but found it only, invariably, in willing women. Eventually that escape became familiar; unnecessary. Kenneth settled into his harness, comfortably drawing a wife and two children. Another account of mediocrity in search of an image deserves attention only because Author Smits can, indubitably, write.