Monday, Jun. 01, 1925

More Wars

In a letter from China, Roy Chapman Andrews, explorer and Sinolog (see SCIENCE), tells of the present state of China:

"I have never seen Chinese politics in such chaos. At times, I wondered if the preparations for the expedition [TIME, Mar. 23, SCIENCE] ever could be completed. Transportation of all kinds was well nigh paralyzed and it was not a question of how quickly and how cheaply a thing could be done, but rather whether it could be done at all."

Continuing, he told of the punishment meted to soldiers caught looting the city of Kalgan:

"The looters had gathered at the top of the pass waiting to see what would happen. Word was sent to them that their sins would be forgiven and they would be sent home if they would surrender. About 500 of them came into Kalgan and gave up their arms.

"The men were put into box cars and told that within a few hours the train would start for Peking. Instead of that, they were taken out, a dozen at a time, searched, and if loot was found on them, they were marched to the stone bridge in the centre of the town and shot.

"At the end of the day, 450 bodies lay in the dry river bed. This is only one example of what has been going on in China almost continually since last October."

"More wars this summer," was Mr. Andrews' conclusion.