Monday, Jun. 22, 1925


To the 107* distinguished electors whose privilege it is, every five years, to pass (with a three fifths vote) on candidates for the U. S. Hall of Famef (at New York University), Director Robert Underwood Johnson last week sent ballots. There were 27 names, in nomination, of whom the electors were to choose 12. The names :

Samuel Adams Edwin Booth Charles Bulfmch Horace Bushnell George .Rogers Clark John Singleton Copley Dorothea Lynde Uix Cyrus West Field William L. Garrison Nathaniel Greene Thomas J. ("Stonewall") Jackson John Jay John Paul Jones

Adoniram Judson Sidney Lanier Matthew F. Maury James Otis William Penn Wendell Phillips Paul Revere Henry H. Richardson Benjamin Rush Philip H. Sheridan Benjamin Thompson Henry David Thoreau Noah Webster Walt Whitman