Monday, Jun. 29, 1925
MacMillan In
Amidst much making of speeches, tooting of whistles, playing of bands and waving of flags, the Bowdoin and the Peary sailed out of Wiscasset Harbor, Me., last week, taking Commander MacMillan, Lieutenant Commander Byrd, 38 others and three amphibian planes north to Etah, Greenland, whence the Polar regions are to be charted by the airmen.
The land, which may or may not be there to the north of everything else, may not be found by MacMillan, may or may not cause a quarrel between Canada and Maine. Why Maine? "Because," said Governor Brewster in the farewell banquet given the explorers at Wiscasset, "this land will belong to Maine." And he presented MacMillan with the silken flag of the state to plant on this hypothetical land by way of a stake-claim notice.