Monday, Jul. 06, 1925
Parliament's Week
(British Commonwealth of Nations)
House of Commons. The budget (TIME, May 11) received its third reading and was sent to the House of Lords* During debate Mr. Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, claimed that he had relieved the obligation of the direct taxpayer without creating new burdens.
P: A bill to prevent the making of phonograph records from radio programs was passed. One member said: "God help us!" The Deputy Speaker, surprised at this irreverence, said: "I must point out that the bill refers to musical and dramatic performances."
P: Miss Ellen Wilkinson, Labor's only woman M. P., gave notice of a question she intended to put to the Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson-Hicks:
"Will the Home Secretary state on whose authority and for what reason two police officers, disguised as waiters, attended a private dinner given by an ex-Cabinet Minister to several other honorable members of this house at the Boulogne Restaurant, Soho, on May 14?
*The House of Lords has no power to reject the bill, and Royal assent may be given whether the Lords pass it or not. /FOOTNOTE>