Monday, Jul. 06, 1925

Pas Comme II Faut

Despite the fact that the Minister of Education, M. Anatole de Monzie, was insulted when he visited the Bolshevik pavilion in the imposition Internationale les Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes (TIME, June 15), President Gaston Doumergue decided to "chance it."

M. Tichmenev, Secretary of the Bolshevik Embassy, was on hand to receive the Presidential party in the absence of Ambassador Leonid Krassin in Russia. Instead of waiting for the formal introduction and then showing the President the assembled collection of Red art, M. Tichmenev rushed him to a plush-covered table on which were four glasses of champagne.

"Your health," said the Bolshevik, in his best proletarian manner.

President Doumergue smiled and began introducing the members of his party, ignoring the glass of champagne that" was held out to him.

Realizing that he had blundered, but not knowing how, M. Tichmenev said: "Help yourselves, Messieurs," drained his glass. The Presidential party drank, drained, departed, having spent exactly four minutes in the pavilion.