Monday, Jul. 06, 1925


A homeopath is a physician devoted to cure by drugs. The basic tenets of his healing are that each disease may be cured by a drug, that the proper drug is the one which administered to healthy persons produces symptoms similar to those of the disease, that only one remedy should be used for each disease, that the doses should be very small. Homeopathy is more than 125 years old. Some of its treatments have been taken over by the "regular school of medicine" (Allopathy), it is likewise the only one of the medical cults which receives any considerable recognition from the Allopaths. The height of its vogue is largely passed. Last week the members of the American Institute of Homeopathy met in Manhattan and made plans to raise $20,000,000 to build a college and hospital there.

Other topics discussed:

Comic Strips are good medicine for neurasthenics. Said Homeopath Frederick W. Seward: "Violent explosions of temper are emotional sprees . . laughter is compensation for them. I advise neurasthenics to look for the funny side of life, subscribe to comic magazines. ..."

Rubber Garments, worn around fatted calfs, hips, breasts, abdomens, are injurious to health, said Homeopath G. Harlan Wells. They keep the skin from eliminating its poisons.

Tumor is hereditary in the common or wop banana fly Homeopath Mary B. Stark has discovered after ten years research. She described her efforts to breed out tumors in six generations of insects.

Florida's Real Estate Boom has brought, it was asserted, a flock of quacks and irregular medical practitioners to that state.

Milk, said Homeopath John P. Sutherland, is fitted to serve as a food only during infancy. One species does not lend itself to the use of the milk of another except when the two are very closely related. It is not a particularly good food for the adult of any species. A number of Allopaths promptly came to the support of milk through the press --declared that it was a most valuable food.